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Publicis Ukraine develops creative communication that makes a difference for its clients, society, and stakeholders. Among their clients are Sanofi, Nescafe, Garnier (L’Oreal), and other leading brands.


Publicis Ukraine develops creative communication that makes a difference for its clients, society, and stakeholders. Among their clients are Sanofi, Nescafe, Garnier (L’Oreal), and other leading brands.

The new “environmental friendliness" and "responsible consumption"

Today, messages and the visual culture of communication has too much "plastic" that harms our consciousness, just as physical particles of plastic harm the environment.

Considering that visual communication is moving in the fairway of general trends, the "environmental friendliness" and "responsible consumption" of advertising will become increasingly relevant.

People will mostly avoid content that is irrelevant to the context, does not resonate with their views or even moods, and communicates everything and nothing. Or such content will simply not work as a sales tool.

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    Advice on creating communication strategies in 2021

    There is no universal advice on how brands should adapt their communication strategies in 2021 as the truth lies in each case specifically. If there were acceptable recipes for success for everyone, everyone would have already been on top of the game for a long time. However, the general idea is quite obvious- stand out and stay as close to people as possible, given the available budgets and changes in behavioral attitudes in society.
    — Ruslan Palamarchuk, Creative Director