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Authenticity 2.0
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Authenticity 2.0

Authenticity 2.0

Audiences are always craving more authentic content. Previously, they sought visuals that translated emotions and were relatable to the point of perfectly depicting their fast-paced lifestyles. However, photos and videos illustrating hustle culture is getting replaced by the imagery of slow living, work from home, and staycations.

Content creators are urged to rethink what authenticity is, as customer values shift from predominantly material to spiritual ones. At the same time, brands are looking for ways to communicate with more sincere and engaging stories, where the choice of relevant visuals is always key.

Today, messages and the visual culture of communication has too much "plastic" that harms our consciousness, just as physical particles of plastic harm the environment.

Considering that visual communication is moving in the fairway of general trends, the "environmental friendliness" and "responsible consumption" of advertising will become increasingly relevant.

People will mostly avoid content that is irrelevant to the context, does not resonate with their views or even moods, and communicates everything and nothing. Or such content will simply not work as a sales tool.