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Symbols of Optimism
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Symbols of Optimism

Symbols of Optimism

Audiences tend to engage more with and stay loyal to brands that translate positive messages with an optimistic aftertaste. Uplifting and bright color palettes that reflect cheerfulness and hope for a bright future, as well as rounded typefaces that look friendly and welcoming are go-tos for creatives in 2021.

This year, brands are also challenged to empower consumers and make them feel good using visuals as their language. Concepts like slow living can serve as symbols of optimism and be appreciated by audiences worldwide.

Client briefs have become more human-centric, as everyone faced the same challenges. In the current environment of uncertainty, brands, managers, and companies have placed their focus on how to get closer to people and their needs, and this is the right thing to do. After all, during times of crisis, people look more closely at those who they can trust, and this applies to brands as well.

Public service announcement campaigns can be referred to as the most honest ones, as they are often created to achieve maximum effect with a minimal budget. The conditions in 2020 set everyone in the same frame. Superior efficiency and focus are the main attributes of client briefs today.