
Reverse Image Search

Find high-resolution licensed content with the free reverse image search by Depositphotos.

How to do a reverse image search

Get royalty-free content in seconds!
To enjoy search by image, upload a reference picture to this page or using the main search bar.

Step 1. You can search by image online on this page, or by clicking on the “photo camera” icon in our search bar.

Step 2. Share an image reference of any quality or its URL to find similar images in our library.

Drag & drop your image here or click here to select an image
orSearchByImageJPG, PNG, WEBP, BMP or TIFF • 10MB max

Step 3. Explore the royalty-free version of your reference image or choose from similar pictures.

Search by image using your mobile or PC

Use any device or source to find similar photos and illustrations. You can upload low-quality images or images with watermarks.

Why use photo reverse search on Depositphotos

Find similar images for legal, commercial use

Save time searching for royalty-free content that meets your expectations. Our vector and photo search by image enables you to avoid unpredictable keyword-based searches.

Find and download pictures without watermarks

Regardless of where your watermarked file came from, our image search engine will recognize it, and find the same or similar image in the Depositphotos library.

Find high-resolution pictures

Search for an image using a damaged or low-resolution reference. On Depositphotos, any image is available in various sizes, including supersized options.

Try reverse image search on mobile!

The reverse image search tool is free.
Upload your reference or click on one of these files to discover how it works.
Service Item Example
Service Item Example
Service Item Example
Service Item Example
Drag & drop your image here or click here to select an image
orJPG, PNG, WEBP, BMP or TIFF • 10MB max

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I search for images online?
You can use platforms like Google or the search bar on stock content platforms like Depositphotos. The first approach leads to almost infinite results; however, you can’t integrate most of them into your projects due to copyright issues.
All images on Depositphotos are royalty-free, which means you can download them within your plan and use them without personal permission from their authors. You can also apply our image background remover to get background-free versions.
What is reverse image search?
Reverse image search means you search for pictures using another picture (instead of keywords).
On Google, a reverse image search can help you track the origin of your picture. On Depositphotos, the tool provides you with content you can use for your commercial or personal needs.
A free reverse image search saves time, as you instantly find what you are looking for. Another Depositphotos tool to reach this goal is video background remover, which allows you to skip manual video editing.
How does the reverse image search engine work?
If you have a reference image, click on the “photo camera” icon in the Depositphotos search bar and share it as a file or URL.
An AI-powered algorithm recognizes objects in your image and finds identical or similar visuals in the Depositphotos library. Download them to use in your commercial and personal projects.
Search by Image is a free tool in our ecosystem for creatives. Explore our free image upscaler to optimize your production budget even more.
Why do you need to search by image?
A reverse image search tool works well for tracking picture origin (for example, to detect fakes) and identifying plagiarized content.
The tool helps you find licensed images for projects or enjoy royalty-free content similar to images by authors you like.
If you have an image you downloaded a long time ago, but need an improved full-resolution and watermark-free version, upload it to the search bar to get ready-to-use high-quality content.
How do you reverse image search without Google?
You can find a similar image to the one you like with illustrations and photo reverse search on Depositphotos. Our platform leverages AI to provide you with the best possible results, even if there is no identical image in our library. Moreover, you can download any image you like under your plan and use it in your projects.
How do I search by image on Depositphotos?
Use an image file (JPG, PNG, WEBP, BMP, or TIFF; 10MB max) as a reference or paste a URL to find similar royalty-free images on Depositphotos. You can find similar photos, vectors, or illustrations by going to the “Tools” section on the top Depositphotos menu, or by clicking on the “photo” icon in the Depositphotos main search bar.
Can you reverse image search screenshots?
You are welcome to search by image online using screenshots, small pictures, and watermarked images. If you want to find a high-resolution, licensed version of an image you found on another website, copy the URL and paste it into our search by image tool.
How do you reverse image search on a phone?
Search by image using references from your mobile storage. To apply the tool to images received through messages, save them onto your device and then upload them to the search bar on Depositphotos (click the “photo camera” icon to switch to the needed mode).
Instead of using a reference image file, you can also find similar images through your smartphone by copying an image URL and pasting it.