from videos

AI-powered tool by Depositphotos

or drag and drop it here

MP4, MOV, AVI, MPEG, MPG • 60 sec. max • 2GB max

Remove backgrounds from video. Save your time to create more!

OriginalRemoved Background

How to remove backgrounds
from video in 3 simple steps

  • 1 Upload your video to our video background remover
  • 2 Wait for a few seconds. The background video remover will process your file automatically
  • 3 Download your background-free video and enjoy the results

The video background remover works for all types of videos:

  • People
  • Objects
  • Animals
  • Graphics

More about the video background remover on Depositphotos

For commercial and personal use

No matter what type of video project you’re working on, use our tool to remove backgrounds from video online.

Time & budget saver

Apply the cost-effective video background remover to save valuable time. No video editing skills are required to create a video with a transparent background.

AI-powered and automated

Make the background transparent in your videos in just a few seconds. The tool recognizes objects and isolates them automatically.

Try this video background removal tool right away!

Remove background from videos in a click. Get acquainted with the potential of our solution by clicking on the files below.
Service Item Example
Service Item Example
Service Item Example
Service Item Example
Drag and drop to get rid of the backgrounds in your videosMP4, MOV, AVI, MPEG, MPG • 60 sec. max • 2GB max

FAQs about Video BG Remover

How does the video background remover work?
To remove backgrounds from videos, upload your file to the tool’s page and wait for a couple of seconds. Then, see the results and download the new file to your device.
You can delete both green screen backgrounds or complicated ones. Remove backgrounds from images on Depositphotos too.
How can I remove the background from a video?
Go to the video background remover by Depositphotos, upload your video, and get the background-free version in seconds. Other features for creatives include Image Upscaler, Image Background Remover, and Search by Image.
What videos are best processed with the background remover?
Videos with clearly defined objects in the foreground bring the best results when processing with our tool.
We continue to work on the tool’s algorithms to offer you an even better experience. Check out a similar product by Depositphotos — Image Background Remover, where you can edit results with brushes.
What formats does this video background remover support?
The background remover video requirements are: AVI, MOV, MP4, MPG, MPEG • 60 sec. max
How can I change my video background without a green screen?
A green screen is not required if you’re planning to isolate objects over a transparent background. Upload your file to our video background remover online and enjoy the results in seconds.
How do I remove the white background from a video?
The Depositphotos tool automatically recognizes your video background and makes it transparent. Apply it to make the background transparent in videos shot against white or any definable backdrop.
How do I get rid of a black background?
Upload your file to the video background remover page and save the results to your device. With our tool, you can achieve clear backgrounds from various colors, including black, white, and green screen backgrounds.